TSOP homepage | Apply for membership
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Include first and last name
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Please write a short (max. 600 characters including spaces) summary of your background, professional experience and interests in organic petrology. Your bio will be posted on TSOP Facebook page and in TSOP Newsletter when your application is accepted.
Please provide names and email addresses of 2 references.
If you have recently applied for the TSOP Spackman Award (Student Research Grant) OR attended the TSOP Annual Meeting and registered as a non-member, you may qualify to have your first-year dues waived. If either of these apply to you, please select the appropriate option:
As part of agreement between TSOP and Elsevier special subscriptions rates for the International Journal of Coal Geology and Review of Paleobotany and Palynology are available to TSOP members. For more information please visit our public site.
By submitting this form and paying your dues, you confirm that you are familiar with the objectives of the Society and will adhere to and abide by the TSOP Bylaws.
Your application will be forwarded to the TSOP Council. When approved your account will be created on the Members only website. You will then receive an email requesting you to log in and pay your TSOP dues via PayPal. Your membership will be announced in the TSOP newsletter on the TSOP Facebook page.
Please direct questions regarding TSOP membership to the Chair of the Membership Committee.